Leveraging User Experience (UX) Design for Higher Conversion Rates

User experience is the overall experience a customer has with your product, service, or website. If users have a great experience with your brand, it can lead to more sales and higher conversion rates. If users have a poor experience with your brand, it can lead to reduced sales and poor feedback. User experience is a delicate balancing act when it comes to your brand and future sales.

How to Improve User Experience

  • Use a holistic approach for your website
    • Understand your users’ habits, skills, and needs
    • Make decisions based on qualitative and quantitative data
  • Make a good first impression
    • Make it easy for first users to navigate your website
    • Educate your users about your products and services
  • Keep the website consistent
    • Have the user journey mapped out
    • Respond correctly to their needs
  • Provide guidance
    • Use clearly defined calls to actions on your website
    • Provide contextual clues and instructions
  • Design for scale
    • Don’t build your business too fast or overwhelm your users
    • Implement visual hierarchy