E-commerce Security: Protecting Your Business and Your Customers

Security should be top-of-mind when it comes to your business. Today, hackers are becoming more adept at infiltration. You need to stay on top of your security. Many E-commerce platforms utilize basic security, but you can enhance your business with additional protection. 

When it comes to security, you need to be aware of four concepts: privacy, integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation. Privacy requires preventing unauthorized threats from accessing customer data. Data breaches can sow mistrust in your customers. Antivirus software, firewalls, and encryptions enhance your privacy measures. Integrity is how accurate your consumer data is. If you enter or use incorrect consumer data, customers can lose confidence in your methodology. Implementing customer authentication before order completion increases trust between customers and your brand. Non-repudiation is the process of not denying purchases after they’ve been made. Like physical signatures, digital signatures serve as an agreement between both parties.

Common E-Commerce Security Threats

  • Phishing
    • Tricks customers into providing customer or confidential information
    • Hackers make it seem like the message is coming from within or from a trusted source
    • Let your customers know you will never require their personal data via email or text
  • Malware and ransomware
    • Malware damages or disrupts your systems. Some hackers can hold your data ransom if they gain access
    • Antivirus and antispyware software can prevent malware attacks
  • SQL Injection
    • SQL stands for structured query language and stores data for a business
    • SQL servers are not automatically secure, which can allow hackers access to view or change business data