Product video illustration

Amazon Product Videos Best Practices

Picture this: A potential customer cannot physically touch or feel the product before deciding to make a purchase. In such a scenario, the way to present an item on an Amazon listing becomes the only interaction with it. While nothing can truly replace the experience of handling a product in person, product videos come remarkably close in recreating that moment of discovery and connection.

To create an exceptional listing and boost conversion rates, a product listing should include a high-quality video. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover:

  1. Why Product Videos are Crucial for Your Amazon Listings
  2. Who Can Incorporate Videos into Listings (Hint: It’s Not Limited to Brand Registered Sellers)
  3. Various Types of Product Videos
  4. Product Videos Dos and Don’ts

The Importance of Amazon Product Videos

In a nutshell, Amazon product videos hold the key to selling more products. Amazon’s overarching mission is to provide a seamless shopping experience, and they arm third-party sellers with a range of tools to enhance this experience. Through the medium of video, customers gain valuable insights into how a product functions, how it can fulfill their needs, and ultimately, whether it warrants a purchase.

Advantages an Amazon product video can bring to your listing:

  • Enhanced Visual Perspectives: Showcase your product from various angles and perspectives, unveiling its true essence.
  • Highlight Features and Benefits: Instantly convey the product’s uses, features, and advantages.
  • Competitive Advantage: Stand out among competitors lacking product videos.
  • Increased Engagement: Keep customers engaged on your listing, forging a deeper connection with your product, and enhancing conversion rates

Who Can Add Product Videos to a Listing:

For the longest time, Amazon restricted the privilege of uploading videos to sellers enrolled in Brand Registry. However, a pivotal shift occurred in September 2020 when non-brand registered sellers received emails from Amazon, extending the video-upload privilege to them as well.

Product Video Types

Product Highlights Video

This type of video spotlights your product’s essential features, uses, and benefits. It is designed to succinctly convey to potential customers what your product brings to the table. Keep it short, straightforward, and focused on the product’s core attributes.

Lifestyle Video

A lifestyle video immerses viewers in the product’s real-world usage by your target audience. It grants potential customers a glimpse of how they can integrate the product into their lives and encourages them to envision themselves using it.

Unboxing or Explanation Video

A step-by-step unboxing of the product, offering viewers an in-depth look at everything inside the package. Such videos provide customers with the satisfaction of knowing precisely what they’ll receive when they order and allow them to virtually unbox the product. This type of video can also be used to strategically address frequently asked questions from customers.

Product Video Dos and Don’ts


Hook Viewers Early: Grab the viewer’s attention within the initial moments of the video. Lengthy introductions can deter viewers from watching further.

Keep It Concise: Maintain brevity and clarity in your video. Eliminate unnecessary content or fluff. It’s advisable to keep the video under one minute.

Address the Problem: Ask yourself what problem your product solves and highlight your product as the solution.

Prioritize Audio Quality: If using a voice-over, ensure impeccable audio quality. Poor audio can drive viewers away.

Optimize Lighting: Ensure adequate and consistent lighting throughout the video. Well-lit products without dark corners or glare are essential.

On-Screen Text: Use on-screen text to emphasize critical features or benefits. This is especially valuable for viewers who watch the video with the sound off.


Avoid Promotional Information: Refrain from including promotional elements such as “special sale” or “limited time” offers, discount codes, or time-sensitive language in your video. Amazon strictly prohibits the use of such content.

Steer Clear of Defamatory Statements: Do not make derogatory statements about your competitors. As mentioned earlier, avoid mentioning other brands in your videos.

Don’t Redirect Viewers: Resist the temptation to direct viewers away from Amazon by adding URLs to your own website in the video. Amazon will not approve your video if you attempt to do so.

Incorporating product videos into your Amazon listings is a great way to engage customers, boost conversions, and provide a richer, more informative shopping experience. By adhering to these best practices, you can create compelling videos that capture the essence of your products and leave a lasting impression on shoppers.

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