Customer Communication: Informing Your Loyal Customers About the Move and Assuring Smooth Transition

Migrating your store to Shopify is a great opportunity to strengthen your customers’ loyalty. One of the best ways to meet your customers’ expectations is letting them know about your store migration. While there are plenty of opportunities to engage with your customers, there is always a chance of mismanagement. A lot can go wrong with a store migration, and the best way for both you and your customers to be prepared is to understand the ongoing situation.

How To Communicate with Your Customers

  • Make sure your migration is technically optimized.
    • Ensure your customers can find your website.
    • Create a website migration checklist.
    • Create a data backup for any lost data.
  • Incorporate customer feedback.
    • Keep records of all customer feedback.
    • Ask your customers if they have any suggestions to improve the website.
    • Ask customers what they didn’t like about the old website.
    • Incorporate their feedback into the redesign to show that you care and listen to your customers.
  • Give your customers plenty of notice.
    • Create an email and SMS messaging campaign announcing your redesign.
    • Create a timeline so that your customers are aware of upcoming changes.
    • Explain why specific changes are occurring.
  • Submit a press release.
    • Send out a press release when your website is complete.
    • Spread your press release to reach a wide range of websites.
    • Reach new customers on new platforms.